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Prove’s award-winning Trust Platform™ and Trust Score™ bring trust and great customer experiences to the digital economy by enabling businesses to instantly verify customers while thwarting fraud and cyberattacks in real-time; all within a privacy-first, zero-knowledge framework. Most identity authentication providers can only deliver 25% visibility into your customers’ identities; a few can provide 50% visibility. Only Prove can provide 100% identity confidence with the highest National Institute of Standards and Technology assurance levels for risky transactions based on multi-factor, cryptographic device signals.

Prove enables businesses to instantly, securely, and privately identify and trust customers during mobile, web and call center interactions. Our Trust Score, fueled by diversified signals from our identity verification network, empowers enterprises to  “pass” more customers in real-time without any friction while also preventing fraud. The result is higher approval rates, reduced OPEX and higher NPS scores. Our capabilities to achieve higher pass rates were recently presented in a research paper by Aite Group, who concluded that Prove (formerly Payfone) delivers 73% higher verification rates to prevent fraud due to our diversified signals. Learn more at and and visit our Bill of Trust for more information about our commitment to delivering trust to the digital experience.

Categories: Auto, Fraud/ID, KYC, Marketing, Property


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